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Twilight at the Museums

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There are many other events on over the Twilight at the Museums week.

You can enjoy night time nature hunts, take on torchlit trails through the galleries, search for dinosaurs and twilight beasts, get hands-on with space-themed science, journey to the mysterious underwater realm of god of the sea Poseidon, and much more!

All events are free or low-cost, and are a mixture of book ahead and drop-in activities.

Go to Twilight at the Museums website for more information and to book places.

See us in a new light this February half term!

Museums across the city will be opening their doors from 17-23 February as the sun sets for illuminated adventures, from night-time nature hunts to torchlit trails through the galleries.

Cambridge Science Centre will be joining in with the fun on Wednesday 19 February from 5.30pm to 7.30pm. 

You will be able to view us in a whole new light at this ‘after hours’ session – filled with light based fun (including some light you can’t see)!

Sessions must be booked.  They are open to members and non members.  This is a FREE event.

Read more about Twilight at the Museums on our Blog


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