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Explore Science with us this week

Our amazing PopUpScience Centres are open every day, even on the weekends, at two local locations: the Grand Arcade, Cambridge, and the North Cambridgeshire Training Centre (NCTC).

Grand Arcade At the Grand Arcade, we're diving deep into the fascinating world of The Brain! Children can explore the incredible workings of the brain through a series of engaging and hands-on activities.

On Wednesday afternoon, scientists from AstraZeneca will be joining us for a special activity.

STEMtots For our younger science enthusiasts, STEMtots is the place to be! Located at the back of our Grand Arcade unit, little tots can discover the interesting world of mini beasts all week long. It's a perfect opportunity for them to experience the magic of science in a way that's both age-appropriate and exciting.

North Cambridgeshire Training Centre Over at the North Cambridgeshire Training Centre, we are looking at a wide variety of captivating concepts! From our interactive morning shows to afternoon activities, your child will be immersed in a world of discovery and exploration.

Plan Your Science Adventures To keep you in the loop and plan your daily science escapades, we've got a handy calendar page. It's a 'go-to' resource for checking out what's happening each day at both our locations. '

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