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Find us at the ASDC Conference

The Association of Science and Discovery Centres (ASDC) Annual Conference is being held in Belfast at the W5 Science and Discovery Centre on 28th and 29th September.

The overall theme of this important sector-focused conference will highlight how all UK-based Science and Discovery Centres are drawn together as a values and purpose-driven sector and explore the power of our national and collective action for STEM engagement and education.

CEO John Bull and Head of Programmes and Delivery Andrew Farrer will attend this year.

Andrew will be presenting on behalf of Cambridge Science Centre. His session will include speakers from 'We The Curious' and 'Wellcome Connecting Science' and will reflect on the power of taking informal STEM exploration into the community.

Cambridge Science Centre has been successfully running PopUpScience Centres in Cambridge for several years, and this year, we have moved further afield with our 'STEM in the Fens' initiative, where we have opened PopUps in several local communities over extended periods. We aim to return to each town in 2024, creating opportunities for the community to re-engage, revisit the PopUp, revisit scientific themes, and explore new ideas and concepts.

Together, these session speakers will share and compare their joint experiences to identify the commonalities of success, learning points, and logistics to support others in the Association who wish to explore the value of effective in-community STEM engagement for themselves.

The Full Conference Programme can be found here

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