Please meet Serena MacMillan, our newest Trustee. She’s experienced, intelligent and committed to widening engagement with science. She’s also representative of powerful change at Cambridge Science Centre.
Serena is our first Young Trustee. Thanks to funding from Bold Futures Project, we have worked with the Young Trustees Movement to build the structures that will allow young people to have strategic (as well as tactical) input into our decisions and activity.
Katy, a Communicator at Cambridge Science Centre and Amy (one of our existing Trustees) reached out to find young people (from 18- 30) who might be interested in joining our Board. This outreach was an experiment for us – we know that young people are full of skills and passion for the value of science – but we didn’t know if any of them would want to sit on our Board. They did! The depth, range and quality of applications were amazing, with young people clearly articulating their passion for STEM and their commitment to engaging those young people who are all too often left behind.
Serena’s appointment links to our existing deep connections with young people, from our co-creation of engagement projects via our Youth Advisory Panel and now directly through to our Board.
Cambridge Science Centre is determined to be driven by the needs and opinions of the young people we serve, and we’re absolutely thrilled to have Serena on board to help us do that.
The Bold Futures Project is facilitated by the Museums Association, ASDC and The Liminal Space, and also supported by the Inspiring Science Fund.